Every man out there values his comfort above anything else. This is obtained by allowing your body to breathe and relax in order to achieve peace of mind, which may be seen in your personality, mood, and even your face. As, no one likes to wear underwear that is unsuitable for their skin and causes discomfort, which eventually leads to irritation and irritability.
Ever wondered why do you feel uncomfortable in your underwear when it is supposed to provide comfort instead?
Well, because you’re probably wearing the wrong type of underwear all this time!
Choosing the perfect type of underwear is very important, after all, the underwear provides masculine support, right?
Underwear is needed by every man, but deciding which underwear is made for you can be very challenging as there is a wide variety. It creates difficulty to pick the one which could be the best for you, and of course, no one wants to spend money on
Something that doesn't accompany their skin and sensitive areas. Mendeez was purposely created to introduce all the necessary undergarments required by Men, making it Pakistan's biggest premium underwear brand.
We have done all the research for you!
Now the problem arises about researching and knowing about your type, but as you have dug into the right place, you can get the idea of your requirement. Our mission was to introduce every kind of different underwear so that every man can get to wear the underwear of their type to experience the comfort they longed for. Mendeez could be your one-stop solution to every underclothing problem; therefore, you can trust us.
However, we understand that personal preference holds great importance for each of you, and one might like to try out different kinds of underwear, but not every type of underwear can be safe, secure, and soft.
Which one is for you?
Before going underwear shopping it is necessary for you to know your body type. Here are 4 kinds of underwear for you to decide which one is made for you.
Boxer Trunks

Woven Boxer Shorts and Jersey Boxer Shorts
If you want to bring all the colors into your life and relax while sitting at home, wearing something loose or extremely airy, or searching for funky underwear to wear to the beach, which isn't too short but plays the role of underwear and shorts with the most extraordinary prints, then Woven Boxer shorts or Jersey Boxer shorts are what you're looking for. But here's the thing: Woven Boxer Shorts are hard to find these days in Pakistan, but Mendeez has heard you and manufactured Woven Boxer Shorts and crazy colors of Jersey Boxer Shorts just for you!
If you want to bring all the colors into your life and relax while sitting at home, wearing something loose or extremely airy, or searching for funky underwear to wear to the beach, which isn't too short but plays the role of underwear and shorts with the most extraordinary prints, then Woven Boxer shorts or Jersey Boxer shorts are what you're looking for. But here's the thing: Woven Boxer Shorts are hard to find these days in Pakistan, but Mendeez has heard you and manufactured Woven Boxer Shorts and crazy colors of Jersey Boxer Shorts just for you!

.Thus, it's a terrific choice for athletes or those who work out because it keeps everything in place.
Looking for a collection of Briefs? Check out the newest and trendiest Briefs for yourself!
Boxer Briefs
Boxer briefs are generally for taller or bigger men as it gives a more detailed look and a better fitting. If you're annoyed with the bunching of your underwear, then boxer briefs are the ones you should be getting your hands on.
Click here to find boxer brief sets that cover all your needs!
Your skin and your body deserve to be at luxury as they support you so much on your worst and best days. So we went deep in to dig out all the necessary information for you to help. If you still need suggestions from our experts, you can email us at mendeezofficial@gmail.com, we are here to guide you in the best possible way!